Terry Lee Reed Wizard © Giveaway

Giveaway, Terry Lee Reed Wizard -

Terry Lee Reed Wizard © Giveaway


Giveaway at 500 Followers on Facebook and Instagram

We are going to be giving away four Terry Lee Reed Wizards © by random draw when we get to 500 Follows on Facebook and Instagram.

For your first chance to win, go to GANAAN-Highland Manufacturing on Facebook

 Like, Follow and Share Facebook

When we get to 500 Followers on Facebook we will giveaway 2 - Terry Lee Reed Wizards by random draw.

All you need to do is Follow our page, Like our post and Share it with your friends.


Ready for a second chance to win, go to GANAAN Highland Manufacturing on Instagram


Follow us on Instagram

When we get to 500 Followers on Instagram we will giveaway 2 - Terry Lee Reed Wizards by random draw.

All you need to do is Follow our page, and Share it with your friends. 


That's all there is to it, good luck.

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